Lunes a viernes de 11:00 a 14:30 y de 16:00 a 19:00 — Fines de semana y festivos de 11:00 a 19:00
Monday to Friday from 11:00 to 14:30 and from 16:00 to 20:00 — Weekends and holidays from 11:00 to 20:00
Game of Thrones in Almodóvar Castle: welcome to Highgarden
If you are follower of the serie Games of Thrones, we have good news for you.

We are one of the shooting locations of the 7th season of the serie Games of Thrones. Exactly, Almodóvar’s Castle give live to two different kingdoms. On the one hand, the dungeon of the fortress was Casterly Rock. However the whole Castle give live to Highgarden, the Tyrell’s house.
We prepared a tour where the different scenes of the serie were filmed. The photograms attributed by the Castle, a small exhibitions of the costumes of the characters that we have visited and a special plan will make you immerse yourself in Highgarden.
If you prefere to be accompanied by a guide to know shooting’s anecdotes, contact us and we will inform you about it.
Discover by your oun our kingdoms.