Visit the Almodóvar Castle and travel back in time to the medieval ages

Immerse yourself in our history

If you want to enjoy the visit at your own pace, choose the Non-Guided Tour. You can do this with the help of a map, with explanatory panels in 4 languages ​​(Spanish, English, French and German) and with our audio guide (Available in Spanish and English. Ask for information at the box office. Price 7 €).

You will be able to access all the rooms, except for the Neo-Gothic palace, a private residential area.

The different themes together with the projections that you will find during the tour, will immerse you directly in the years of the different phases of the history of our great fortress. Among others, the projection on the life of the XII Count of Torralva and his work project, as well as the documentary “History of a dream”.

The non-guided visit to the Castle can be completed with a walk through the Garden of the Moat, which is divided into zones according to the type of vegetation (Oriental, High Mountain, Mediterranean, Tropical and Floral), finishing this tour at the impressive Viewpoint of the castle .


We have two audio-visual screenings, enabling you to discover the history of Almodovar Castle right from the time of its initial construction in Moorish Spain.

Themed spaces

Featuring dungeons, the king’s armourer, re-enacted scenes such as paying homage to King Pedro I and the king’s dressing room.


General visit

Up to 24 people

from 14 to 64 years
10,00 €
from 5 to 13 years
6,00 €
Students and seniors (Seniors must be over 65 years old)
8,50 €
Kids «Carnet de la Banda»
La Banda membership card
0,00 €

More than 25 people

from 14 to 64 years
9,00 €
from 5 to 13 years
5,00 €
Reduced (students and pensioners)
Card accreditation (Seniors must be over 65 years old)
7,50 €
Kids «Carnet de la Banda»
Carnet de la Banda
0,00 €


January to March and October to December

Monday to Friday From 11:00 to 14:30 and from 16:00 to 19:00
Weekends and holidays From 11:00 to 19:00

April, May, August and September

Monday to Friday From 11:00 to 14:30 and from 16:00 to 20:00
Weekends and holidays De 11:00 a 20:00

Summer Special: June and July

Monday to Friday De 9:00 a 15:30
Weekends and holidays De 11:00 a 20:00
El Castillo de Almodóvar permanecerá cerrado por la tarde los días 24 de diciembre, 31 de diciembre y 5 de enero, además del día 25 de diciembre y 1 de enero completo. La venta de entradas en taquilla finalizará siempre una hora antes del cierre del Castillo. Prohibida la entrada a mascotas salvo que estas vayan en transportín o casos excepcionales: incidentes, perros en formación...